
- Summary
Time played:458H 37M 38SGames played:1248Current Credits:622,536Leaderboards:#12,314 (Top 2%)#26,725 (Top 4%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Geth Hunter Points 2Jun 24, 2015 17:58Geth Trooper Points 1Jun 24, 2015 17:51Shotgun MedalsJun 19, 2015 20:15Krogan Battlemaster Waves CompletedJun 16, 2015 17:44Abomination Points 2Jun 11, 2015 22:23Atlas Points 2Jun 11, 2015 21:36Firebase Condor: Bronze WavesJun 11, 2015 21:20Husk Points 1Jun 8, 2015 23:03Marauder Points 3Jun 8, 2015 23:00Unknown Enemy ExtractionsJun 5, 2015 22:35
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Tech Mastery92%
12 of 13Shotgun Mastery88%
8 of 9Firebase Dagger: Gold Waves99%
99 of 100Firebase Condor: Silver Waves98%
98 of 100Geth Prime Points 298%
294236 of 300000Platinum Extractions96%
24 of 25Collector Trooper Points 396%
434938 of 450000Over-Cover Grab 295%
95 of 100Turian Ghost Waves Completed94%
189 of 200Firebase Hydra: Silver Waves93%
93 of 100