
- Summary
Time played:143H 33M 23SGames played:448Current Credits:21,410Leaderboards:#195,406 (Top 16%)#54,967 (Top 7%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Hazard: Gold WavesJun 18, 2014 07:51Firebase Goddess ExtractionsJun 18, 2014 07:07Geth Rocket Trooper Points 3Jun 18, 2014 06:49Firebase Rio: Silver WavesOct 26, 2013 14:11Husk Points 2Oct 26, 2013 13:25Geth Prime Points 3Oct 26, 2013 13:10Geth Bomber Points 2Oct 26, 2013 13:01Firebase Jade: Silver WavesOct 23, 2013 19:40Firebase London ExtractionsJun 25, 2013 18:20Firebase Jade ExtractionsMay 26, 2013 16:22
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Guardian Points 299%
299775 of 300000Firebase Hydra Extractions93%
14 of 15Quarian Engineer Extractions90%
9 of 10Adas Anti-Synthetic Rifle Use88%
123748 of 140000In-Game Medals Earned87%
4384 of 5000Grenade Damage Use 383%
251899 of 300000Points Earned83%
20998819 of 25000000Turian Soldier Waves Completed82%
165 of 200