
- Summary
Time played:564H 1M 30SGames played:1677Current Credits:1,304,252Leaderboards:#11,641 (Top 1%)#30,553 (Top 4%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Marauder Points 2Feb 4, 2015 23:06PromotionsFeb 3, 2015 23:26Firebase White: Gold WavesFeb 2, 2015 23:54Firebase London: Platinum WavesFeb 1, 2015 23:43Collector Captain Points 3Feb 1, 2015 23:39Firebase White: Silver WavesJan 31, 2015 23:46Hazard: Gold WavesNov 24, 2014 23:39Hazard: Silver WavesNov 23, 2014 00:56Centurion Points 3Nov 22, 2014 01:09Geth MasteryNov 6, 2014 23:28
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery95%
20 of 21Collector Mastery93%
14 of 15Scion Points 398%
441662 of 450000Firebase White: Platinum Waves97%
97 of 100Dark Channel Use96%
48416 of 50000Executioner Pistol Use96%
192162 of 200000Vorcha Soldier Waves Completed94%
188 of 200Firebase Condor Extractions93%
14 of 15Firebase Condor: Platinum Waves92%
92 of 100Hazard: Platinum Waves92%
184 of 200