
- Summary
Time played:333H 54M 51SGames played:1125Current Credits:41,548Leaderboards:#6,734 (Top 1%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Geth Hunter Points 2Jul 2, 2016 06:43Guardian Points 3Jul 2, 2016 06:12Geth Infiltrator ExtractionsJul 1, 2016 05:52Geth Prime Points 1Jul 1, 2016 05:27M-77 Paladin UseJul 1, 2016 05:11Hazard: Platinum WavesJun 28, 2016 05:39Hazard: Bronze WavesJun 28, 2016 05:39Hazard: Silver WavesJun 28, 2016 05:39Hazard: Gold WavesJun 28, 2016 05:39Executioner Pistol UseJun 28, 2016 05:31
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Earth Mastery88%
8 of 9Reaper Mastery83%
15 of 18Geth Spitfire Use99%
198880 of 200000Firebase Reactor: Bronze Waves99%
99 of 100Incinerate Use98%
49416 of 50000Geth Pyro Points 297%
291332 of 300000Promotions95%
57 of 60Tech Explosions Detonated 293%
233 of 250Krogan Sentinel Waves Completed92%
185 of 200Scorpion Use91%
182564 of 200000