- Summary
Time played:9H 44M 55SGames played:36Current Credits:14,832Leaderboards:#353,024 (Top 29%)#241,215 (Top 31%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Biotic Charge UseSep 13, 2020 18:53Tech Explosions Detonated 1Sep 13, 2020 16:49Unknown Enemy ExtractionsSep 13, 2020 13:49Headshots 1Sep 13, 2020 12:47Bronze ExtractionsSep 13, 2020 12:21N7 Valkyrie Assault Rifle UseSep 5, 2020 15:50
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Squad Elite25%
2 of 8Assault Rifle Mastery11%
1 of 9Unknown Map Extractions96%
24 of 25Cannibal Points 170%
105882 of 150000M-23 Katana Use58%
81493 of 140000Hazard: Bronze Waves57%
115 of 200Biotic Explosions Detonated 157%
29 of 50Headshots 256%
280 of 500Silver Extractions52%
13 of 25Geth Trooper Points 141%
62395 of 150000