
- Summary
Time played:66H 13M 30SGames played:274Current Credits:64,263Leaderboards:#98,064 (Top 8%)#82,312 (Top 11%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Squad Revives as Council RaceJul 4, 2020 03:03Firebase Condor: Bronze WavesDec 14, 2018 15:33Geth Hunter Points 1Dec 14, 2018 13:52Cabal Vanguard ExtractionsDec 14, 2018 04:01Poison Strike UseDec 14, 2018 03:51Biotic Explosions Detonated 3Dec 12, 2018 00:20Biotic MasteryDec 12, 2018 00:20Stasis UseDec 11, 2018 23:42Singularity UseAug 14, 2017 00:11Firebase Jade ExtractionsAug 14, 2017 00:08
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Combat Mastery83%
10 of 12Tech Mastery53%
7 of 13Firebase Hydra: Bronze Waves99%
99 of 100Drell Adept Waves Completed94%
189 of 200Ravager Points 194%
141006 of 150000Firebase London Extractions93%
14 of 15Guardian Points 192%
138665 of 150000Waves Completed91%
2281 of 2500Husk Points 190%
136393 of 150000Incinerate Use89%
44513 of 50000