- Summary
Time played:22H 25M 42SGames played:80Current Credits:26,560Leaderboards:#259,867 (Top 22%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Tech Explosions Detonated 2Feb 22, 2015 22:50Cerberus Trooper Points 1Feb 22, 2015 22:35Marauder Points 1Feb 22, 2015 21:24Biotic Explosions Detonated 1Feb 22, 2015 19:35Cannibal Points 1Feb 21, 2015 05:23Submission Net UseFeb 16, 2015 19:25Geth Trooper Points 1Feb 16, 2015 08:32M-11 Wraith UseFeb 16, 2015 07:17Silver ExtractionsFeb 16, 2015 04:23Electrical Hammer UseFeb 16, 2015 03:18
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Squad Elite50%
4 of 8Tech Mastery46%
6 of 13Geth Engineer Waves Completed99%
199 of 200Krogan Warlord Extractions90%
9 of 10Collector Trooper Points 187%
131301 of 150000Firebase Ghost: Bronze Waves79%
79 of 100Hazard: Bronze Waves79%
158 of 200Singularity Use79%
39761 of 50000Collector Sniper Rifle Use78%
109731 of 140000Collector Sniper Rifle Use78%
109731 of 140000