- Summary
Time played:313H 36M 20SGames played:1236Current Credits:91,910Leaderboards:#63,299 (Top 6%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Geth Pyro Points 2Jul 12, 2014 07:46Ravager Points 1Jul 12, 2014 07:01Geth Juggernaut ExtractionsJul 12, 2014 06:30Husk Points 1Jul 12, 2014 06:24Cannibal Points 2Jul 6, 2014 04:09Silver ExtractionsJul 6, 2014 03:15Geth Hunter Points 2Jul 5, 2014 21:45Batarian Soldier Waves CompletedJul 5, 2014 07:35Headshots 2Jul 5, 2014 07:24Over-Cover Grab 1Jul 5, 2014 07:21
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Combat Mastery58%
7 of 12Geth Mastery55%
10 of 18Survival Medals99%
99 of 100Cerberus Trooper Points 196%
144052 of 150000Banshee Points 289%
267591 of 300000Geth Rocket Trooper Points 287%
262477 of 300000Melee Damage Use 285%
426227 of 500000Marauder Points 285%
257760 of 300000Brute Points 283%
251216 of 300000Solo Bronze80%
8 of 10