Best of the Best

- Summary
Time played:487H 15M 16SGames played:1403Current Credits:49,302Leaderboards:#12,495 (Top 2%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Rio: Gold WavesJun 20, 2015 03:49Geth Bomber Points 1Jun 20, 2015 03:49Firebase Hydra: Gold WavesNov 8, 2014 02:31Firebase White: Platinum WavesOct 27, 2013 03:26Guardian Points 2Oct 27, 2013 03:24Geth Infiltrator ExtractionsOct 27, 2013 03:16N7 Paladin ExtractionsOct 11, 2013 04:45Geth Pyro Points 1Oct 10, 2013 04:57Geth Prime Points 1Oct 10, 2013 04:46Geth Hunter Points 1Oct 10, 2013 04:35
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Map Mastery87%
35 of 40Biotic Mastery78%
11 of 14M-7 Lancer Use97%
194700 of 200000Shotgun Medals96%
96 of 100Firebase Hydra Extractions93%
14 of 15Firebase Rio Extractions93%
14 of 15Pistol Medals91%
91 of 100Geth Prime Points 290%
270119 of 300000Particle Rifle Use89%
179081 of 200000Nemesis Points 288%
265229 of 300000