- Summary
Time played:109H 23M 41SGames played:405Current Credits:328,918Leaderboards:#92,032 (Top 8%)#70,658 (Top 9%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Praetorian Points 1Mar 1, 2018 00:46M-8 Avenger UseFeb 28, 2018 18:12Scion Points 2Feb 28, 2018 17:55Warp UseFeb 28, 2018 17:49N7 Destroyer ExtractionsNov 24, 2016 22:30Firebase Condor ExtractionsMay 20, 2016 17:19Squad Revives as Council RaceMay 20, 2016 16:59Turian Havoc ExtractionsMar 18, 2016 00:18Centurion Points 3Jan 20, 2015 23:48Brute Points 2Oct 21, 2014 21:31
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Earth Mastery77%
7 of 9Squad Elite75%
6 of 8Zombie Hunter99%
7497 of 7500Geth Plasma SMG Use98%
197268 of 200000N7 Piranha Use97%
194787 of 200000Dragoon Points 291%
274403 of 300000Ravager Points 291%
275495 of 300000Collector Captain Points 391%
410352 of 450000Abomination Points 390%
408420 of 450000Husk Points 289%
268655 of 300000