
- Summary
Time played:108H 26M 30SGames played:362Current Credits:60,112Leaderboards:#64,794 (Top 6%)#122,824 (Top 16%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Gold ExtractionsJul 3, 2016 15:12Brute Points 1Jul 3, 2016 14:27Firebase Giant: Silver WavesJul 3, 2016 14:12Firebase Giant: Bronze WavesJul 3, 2016 13:55Geth Hunter Points 1Jan 17, 2015 18:27PromotionsJan 4, 2015 15:59Squad Revives as Council RaceJan 4, 2015 15:43Geth Rocket Trooper Points 1Jan 3, 2015 17:11Reegar Carbine UseJan 3, 2015 12:45N7 Slayer ExtractionsJan 3, 2015 12:25
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Squad Elite87%
7 of 8Combat Mastery41%
5 of 12Reegar Carbine Use99%
198815 of 200000Marauder Points 197%
145731 of 150000Firebase Ghost: Bronze Waves95%
95 of 100Geth Pyro Points 195%
143024 of 150000Geth Pulse Rifle Use95%
134359 of 140000Firebase White: Bronze Waves94%
94 of 100Geth Prime Points 192%
138678 of 150000Melee Damage Use 289%
446858 of 500000