- Summary
Time played:274H 25M 45SGames played:979Current Credits:42,129Leaderboards:#25,653 (Top 3%)#60,191 (Top 8%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Shadow Strike UseFeb 28, 2020 01:01Firebase Dagger: Silver WavesFeb 28, 2020 00:38PromotionsFeb 25, 2020 00:30Asari Commando Waves CompletedDec 8, 2013 01:17Firebase Jade ExtractionsDec 8, 2013 00:37Tech Explosions Detonated 1Dec 7, 2013 23:34M-11 Wraith UseDec 7, 2013 21:46Husk Points 2Dec 7, 2013 21:35Collector Captain Points 3Dec 7, 2013 20:59Geth Hunter Points 2Dec 7, 2013 20:39
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Earth Mastery88%
8 of 9Reaper Mastery83%
15 of 18In-Game Medals Earned99%
4976 of 5000Firebase Vancouver: Silver Waves99%
99 of 100N7 Piranha Use98%
137812 of 140000Ravager Points 397%
436726 of 450000Praetorian Points 294%
283134 of 300000Firebase White: Silver Waves94%
94 of 100Scion Points 394%
425474 of 450000Banshee Points 393%
421472 of 450000