
- Summary
Time played:232H 11M 13SGames played:884Current Credits:93,798Leaderboards:#23,078 (Top 2%)#29,453 (Top 4%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Geth Pulse Rifle UseDec 30, 2018 13:32Collector MasteryDec 30, 2018 10:53Praetorian Points 3Dec 30, 2018 10:53Asari Valkyrie Waves CompletedDec 30, 2018 10:49Annihilation Field UseSep 4, 2016 08:54Warp UseSep 4, 2016 08:45Turian Saboteur Waves CompletedAug 12, 2016 13:08Turian Havoc Waves CompletedMay 15, 2016 10:50Cerberus Harrier UseMay 15, 2016 10:37Turian Havoc ExtractionsMay 15, 2016 09:47
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Tech Mastery92%
12 of 13Combat Mastery91%
11 of 12Geth Bomber Points 399%
447155 of 450000Executioner Pistol Use98%
196815 of 200000Atlas Points 396%
432698 of 450000Nemesis Points 394%
424055 of 450000Drell Adept Waves Completed94%
188 of 200Shockwave Use93%
46575 of 50000Singularity Use93%
46775 of 50000Firebase Vancouver Extractions93%
14 of 15