- Summary
Time played:49H 14M 40SGames played:184Current Credits:11,722Leaderboards:#260,075 (Top 22%)#114,776 (Top 15%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Geth Rocket Trooper Points 1Nov 5, 2020 04:35Marauder Points 2Nov 5, 2020 04:16Brute Points 1Nov 5, 2020 04:12Pull UseNov 5, 2020 03:48Geth Trooper Points 2Oct 30, 2020 02:46Firebase Vancouver: Bronze WavesOct 30, 2020 02:22Collector Trooper Points 2Oct 27, 2020 03:14Shockwave UseOct 26, 2020 05:16Husk Points 1Oct 26, 2020 03:39Grenade Damage Use 1Oct 26, 2020 03:37
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Biotic Mastery64%
9 of 14Tech Mastery61%
8 of 13Abomination Points 198%
147594 of 150000Firebase Giant: Bronze Waves97%
97 of 100Cannibal Points 396%
435888 of 450000M-22 Eviscerator Use95%
133122 of 140000Combat Drone Use95%
47810 of 50000Geth Pyro Points 193%
140446 of 150000M-77 Paladin Use92%
129894 of 140000Geth Hunter Points 191%
137025 of 150000