
- Summary
Time played:224H 34M 40SGames played:650Current Credits:45,180Leaderboards:#25,847 (Top 3%)#26,975 (Top 4%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Dragoon Points 1Feb 8, 2022 20:10Cannibal Points 2Mar 23, 2017 16:19Hazard: Gold WavesMay 25, 2015 20:19Collector Sniper Rifle UseOct 1, 2014 23:01Collector Sniper Rifle UseOct 1, 2014 23:01M-6 Carnifex UseOct 1, 2014 22:42Atlas Points 1Oct 1, 2014 22:38Arc Pistol UseOct 1, 2014 22:26Arc Pistol UseOct 1, 2014 22:21Pistol MasteryOct 1, 2014 22:16
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Tech Mastery84%
11 of 13Promotions96%
58 of 60Krogan Sentinel Waves Completed94%
189 of 200Lash Use93%
46639 of 50000N7 Demolisher Extractions90%
9 of 10Quarian Infiltrator Extractions90%
9 of 10Phantom Points 288%
264165 of 300000Collector Trooper Points 387%
393137 of 450000Geth Turret Use87%
43806 of 50000