- Summary
Time played:13H 42M 9SGames played:51Current Credits:620Leaderboards:#327,457 (Top 27%)#250,013 (Top 32%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
N7 Valkyrie Assault Rifle UseMay 1, 2018 21:05Overload UseApr 28, 2018 21:59Combat Drone UseApr 26, 2018 20:35Tech Explosions Detonated 1Apr 25, 2018 20:54
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Tech Mastery23%
3 of 13Assault Rifle Mastery11%
1 of 9Headshots 194%
235 of 250Incinerate Use91%
45931 of 50000Tech Explosions Detonated 274%
185 of 250Bronze Extractions56%
14 of 25Cerberus Trooper Points 153%
80721 of 150000Headshots 247%
235 of 500Unknown Map Extractions44%
11 of 25Unknown Enemy Extractions40%
10 of 25