- Summary
Time played:36H 27M 6SGames played:105Current Credits:10,995Leaderboards:#286,861 (Top 24%)#120,055 (Top 16%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Survival MedalsApr 8, 2021 05:27Atlas Points 1Apr 8, 2021 05:23Lash UseDec 25, 2015 21:25Tech Explosions Detonated 3Dec 25, 2015 20:09Energy Drain UseSep 12, 2015 23:39Throw UseSep 12, 2015 22:18Smash UseSep 12, 2015 21:53Phantom Points 1Sep 12, 2015 21:44Biotic Explosions Detonated 3Sep 12, 2015 21:42Collector Trooper Points 1Sep 6, 2015 20:13
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Biotic Mastery71%
10 of 14Squad Elite62%
5 of 8Collector Captain Points 199%
149793 of 150000Abomination Points 198%
147478 of 150000Cerberus Trooper Points 396%
436146 of 450000Cannibal Points 296%
289666 of 300000Geth Pyro Points 194%
142326 of 150000Ravager Points 193%
139621 of 150000Husk Points 193%
140264 of 150000M-8 Avenger Use92%
129739 of 140000