- Summary
Time played:458H 53M 13SGames played:1586Current Credits:79,907Leaderboards:#6,664 (Top 1%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Phoenix Vanguard ExtractionsAug 20, 2014 19:36Headshots 1Aug 20, 2014 19:24Assault Rifle MedalsAug 20, 2014 19:10Guardian Points 2Aug 20, 2014 19:02Siege Pulse UseFeb 21, 2014 19:24M-76 Revenant UseFeb 19, 2014 19:27Alliance Infiltrator ExtractionsFeb 16, 2014 20:59Scion Points 2Feb 16, 2014 20:16Phoenix Adept Waves CompletedFeb 11, 2014 20:57Outsider MasteryFeb 11, 2014 20:57
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Assault Rifle Mastery88%
8 of 9Rebellion Mastery88%
8 of 9Abomination Points 299%
298662 of 300000Geth Bomber Points 197%
146060 of 150000Flamer Use95%
47803 of 50000M-96 Mattock Use95%
133233 of 140000Cannibal Points 193%
139840 of 150000Batarian Soldier Extractions90%
9 of 10First Aid Medals88%
88 of 100Dragoon Points 287%
263905 of 300000