
- Summary
Time played:692H 32M 22SGames played:2306Current Credits:86,294Leaderboards:#12,029 (Top 1%)#7,007 (Top 1%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Giant: Bronze WavesOct 16, 2020 17:38Firebase Giant: Gold WavesOct 16, 2020 17:38Firebase Giant: Silver WavesOct 16, 2020 17:38Smash UseOct 12, 2020 17:50Marauder Points 3Oct 3, 2020 10:28Ravager Points 3Sep 30, 2020 14:18Reave UseSep 30, 2020 13:38Husk Points 1Sep 30, 2020 13:25Geth Rocket Trooper Points 3Sep 28, 2020 18:54Banshee Points 3Sep 26, 2020 18:34
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Commando Mastery83%
10 of 12Hazard: Platinum Waves97%
194 of 200Cannibal Points 297%
293928 of 300000Firebase Goddess: Bronze Waves93%
93 of 100M-11 Suppressor Use93%
187817 of 200000Firebase Goddess: Gold Waves93%
93 of 100Firebase Goddess: Silver Waves93%
93 of 100Firebase Hydra: Silver Waves91%
91 of 100Firebase Hydra: Gold Waves91%
91 of 100