
- Summary
Time played:157H 4M 34SGames played:500Current Credits:114,746Leaderboards:#287,260 (Top 24%)#59,712 (Top 8%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Poison Strike UseApr 24, 2018 21:21Geth Hunter Points 2Dec 6, 2015 22:24Marauder Points 3Oct 24, 2015 22:05In-Game Medals EarnedOct 24, 2015 21:21Ravager Points 2Oct 24, 2015 20:43Praetorian Points 2Oct 4, 2015 21:31Headshots 2Sep 27, 2015 21:23Brute Points 3Aug 30, 2015 22:19Nemesis Points 1Aug 30, 2015 21:39Banshee Points 2Jul 4, 2015 20:57
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Tech Mastery92%
12 of 13Reaper Mastery83%
15 of 18Grenade Damage Use 298%
197863 of 200000N7 Valkyrie Assault Rifle Use96%
135402 of 140000Collector Captain Points 396%
432219 of 450000Geth Pyro Points 296%
289966 of 300000Scion Points 393%
421914 of 450000Phaeston Use93%
131266 of 140000Dragoon Points 392%
416460 of 450000Phantom Points 290%
270799 of 300000