
- Summary
Time played:1683H 19M 42SGames played:5592Current Credits:1,084,728Leaderboards:#9,288 (Top 1%)#2,934 (Top 1%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Abomination Points 2Jan 22, 2020 17:55Scion Points 3Jan 22, 2020 17:54Brute Points 2Jan 22, 2020 16:00Marauder Points 2Jan 17, 2020 21:23Collector Trooper Points 3Jan 15, 2020 18:15Biotic Slash UseJan 15, 2020 18:13Cannibal Points 2Jan 15, 2020 17:20Geth Hunter Points 3Jan 15, 2020 16:46N7 Piranha UseFeb 9, 2019 17:15Snap Freeze UseFeb 9, 2019 17:07
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery95%
20 of 21Biotic Mastery92%
13 of 14M-7 Lancer Use97%
136057 of 140000Collector Captain Points 394%
424805 of 450000Geth Rocket Trooper Points 394%
426776 of 450000M-6 Carnifex Use93%
130856 of 140000Banshee Points 291%
274340 of 300000N7 Typhoon Use90%
127202 of 140000Batarian Sentinel Waves Completed90%
180 of 200Poison Strike Use89%
44776 of 50000