- Summary
Time played:65H 55M 47SGames played:228Current Credits:120,005Leaderboards:#41,036 (Top 4%)#74,223 (Top 10%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Rio: Silver WavesOct 10, 2016 23:17Gold ExtractionsFeb 29, 2016 19:00Firebase Giant: Silver WavesFeb 29, 2016 18:37Firebase Condor: Bronze WavesFeb 29, 2016 17:40Banshee Points 3Feb 29, 2016 16:53Shadow Strike UseFeb 29, 2016 16:37PromotionsFeb 28, 2016 16:57Atlas Points 2Feb 27, 2016 19:09N7 Destroyer ExtractionsFeb 27, 2016 18:56Geth Prime Points 2Feb 27, 2016 18:31
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Biotic Mastery85%
12 of 14Reaper Mastery83%
15 of 18M-9 Tempest Use97%
136039 of 140000Hazard Extractions96%
48 of 50Grenade Damage Use 295%
191674 of 200000Dark Sphere Use94%
47239 of 50000Firebase London: Bronze Waves94%
94 of 100Reegar Carbine Use94%
189547 of 200000Husk Points 293%
279073 of 300000Geth Hunter Points 393%
419113 of 450000