
- Summary
Time played:426H 46M 13SGames played:1303Current Credits:38,490Leaderboards:#12,151 (Top 1%)#39,854 (Top 5%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
PromotionsMar 30, 2014 16:53Praetorian Points 1Mar 28, 2014 17:41N7 Destroyer ExtractionsMar 26, 2014 13:58Firebase Vancouver ExtractionsMar 26, 2014 00:23M-7 Lancer UseApr 23, 2013 18:26N7 Paladin ExtractionsMar 18, 2013 20:42Geth Pyro Points 3Mar 11, 2013 18:36Platinum ExtractionsMar 11, 2013 12:28Geth Hunter Points 3Mar 11, 2013 12:10Operation Lodestar (Insanity)Mar 10, 2013 13:39
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery95%
20 of 21Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Scion Points 197%
146616 of 150000Guardian Points 393%
420477 of 450000Striker Assault Rifle Use92%
185404 of 200000Geth Bomber Points 388%
397718 of 450000Points Earned88%
22246550 of 25000000Firebase London Extractions86%
13 of 15M-76 Revenant Use85%
120306 of 140000Javelin Use83%
116358 of 140000