
- Summary
Time played:406H 11M 30SGames played:1217Current Credits:82,237Leaderboards:#13,904 (Top 2%)#12,335 (Top 2%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
N7 MasteryJun 22, 2016 20:43PromotionsJun 22, 2016 20:43Mass EffectJun 22, 2016 20:43Firebase Reactor: Gold WavesJun 22, 2016 20:40Geth Juggernaut Waves CompletedJun 22, 2016 20:25Abomination Points 2Jun 22, 2016 19:30Disciple UseJun 21, 2016 20:17Lash UseJun 20, 2016 15:51Nemesis Points 3Jun 19, 2016 18:13N7 Crusader UseJun 19, 2016 17:33
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery95%
20 of 21Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Geth Bomber Points 399%
448542 of 450000Headshots 399%
997 of 1000Firebase Goddess: Gold Waves99%
99 of 100Firebase Jade: Gold Waves96%
96 of 100Collector Trooper Points 396%
434087 of 450000Guardian Points 395%
430255 of 450000Geth Turret Use95%
47528 of 50000In-Game Medals Earned95%
4754 of 5000