
- Summary
Time played:438H 35M 7SGames played:1712Current Credits:23,050Leaderboards:#12,999 (Top 2%)#18,516 (Top 3%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Geth Plasma Shotgun UseFeb 3, 2019 18:56Geth Proximity Mine UseJan 10, 2019 16:12Brute Points 3Jan 10, 2019 16:09Turian Ghost Waves CompletedJan 6, 2019 17:25Phantom Points 1Dec 31, 2018 15:48Kishock Harpoon Gun UseDec 30, 2018 21:04Krogan Sentinel Waves CompletedDec 30, 2018 20:25Assault Rifle MedalsDec 29, 2018 19:19Vorcha Sentinel Waves CompletedDec 28, 2018 19:07Tech Explosions Detonated 1Dec 27, 2018 22:14
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Collector Mastery93%
14 of 15Sniper Rifle Mastery88%
8 of 9M-27 Scimitar Use99%
139880 of 140000M-11 Suppressor Use99%
198494 of 200000Melee Damage Use 399%
991977 of 1000000Reave Use99%
49611 of 50000Geth Prime Points 197%
146687 of 150000Geth Plasma SMG Use96%
135751 of 140000Batarian Slasher Waves Completed96%
192 of 200Venom Shotgun Use96%
193562 of 200000