- Summary
Time played:377H 44M 12SGames played:1279Current Credits:96,020Leaderboards:#198,952 (Top 17%)#26,618 (Top 4%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Collector Captain Points 3Oct 26, 2014 15:16Banshee Points 2Oct 26, 2014 14:22Praetorian Points 2Oct 25, 2014 12:55Marauder Points 3Oct 24, 2014 18:55Geth Rocket Trooper Points 3Oct 19, 2014 09:57Geth Bomber Points 2Oct 19, 2014 09:10Ravager Points 2Oct 5, 2014 13:51Collector Trooper Points 3Oct 5, 2014 11:10Dragoon Points 2Oct 5, 2014 11:00Brute Points 2Sep 28, 2014 12:07
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery77%
14 of 18Collector Mastery73%
11 of 15Phantom Points 399%
447244 of 450000Guardian Points 399%
449187 of 450000Centurion Points 398%
441035 of 450000Scion Points 398%
444793 of 450000Abomination Points 298%
294104 of 300000Atlas Points 397%
439457 of 450000N7 Typhoon Use96%
193068 of 200000Brute Points 395%
431276 of 450000