
- Summary
Time played:331H 58M 6SGames played:1087Current Credits:66,509Leaderboards:#19,928 (Top 2%)#37,224 (Top 5%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Dark Channel UseMay 23, 2021 11:09Cannibal Points 1Dec 11, 2020 14:30Collector MasterySep 4, 2020 14:19Praetorian Points 3Sep 4, 2020 14:19Stasis UseJun 20, 2020 08:04M-300 Claymore UseMar 22, 2017 20:08Geth Bomber Points 3Mar 22, 2017 20:01Geth Pulse Rifle UseDec 5, 2016 21:05Firebase London ExtractionsNov 25, 2016 21:39In-Game Medals EarnedNov 25, 2016 21:28
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Cerberus Mastery90%
19 of 21Geth Prime Points 399%
448186 of 450000First Aid Medals96%
96 of 100Guardian Points 396%
432622 of 450000N7 Piranha Use93%
187556 of 200000Carnage Use91%
45584 of 50000Promotions91%
33 of 36Executioner Pistol Use90%
180467 of 200000Disciple Use90%
180141 of 200000