- Summary
Time played:10H 45M 10SGames played:36Current Credits:34,141Leaderboards:#347,993 (Top 29%)#225,596 (Top 29%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Melee Damage Use 1Sep 7, 2020 21:31Krogan Warlord ExtractionsSep 7, 2020 21:22Bronze ExtractionsAug 25, 2015 07:39Tech Explosions Detonated 1Aug 25, 2015 07:24Biotic Explosions Detonated 1Aug 17, 2015 19:17Annihilation Field UseAug 17, 2015 00:51Biotic Hammer UseAug 14, 2015 20:11
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Biotic Mastery21%
3 of 14Squad Elite12%
1 of 8Unknown Enemy Extractions80%
20 of 25Warp Use79%
39680 of 50000Unknown Map Extractions76%
19 of 25Firebase Giant: Bronze Waves68%
68 of 100Krogan Warlord Waves Completed64%
129 of 200Biotic Charge Use59%
29762 of 50000Geth Trooper Points 156%
85400 of 150000Firebase White: Bronze Waves53%
53 of 100