- Summary
Time played:8H 39M 15SGames played:34Current Credits:710Leaderboards:#391,694 (Top 32%)#272,375 (Top 35%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Krogan Warlord ExtractionsFeb 16, 2017 13:12Unknown Map ExtractionsFeb 12, 2017 18:18Bronze ExtractionsFeb 12, 2017 18:18
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Squad Elite25%
2 of 8Bloodpack Mastery0%
0 of 9Unknown Enemy Extractions92%
23 of 25Headshots 177%
194 of 250M-92 Mantis Use56%
79357 of 140000M-8 Avenger Use52%
74169 of 140000Krogan Warlord Waves Completed48%
96 of 200Melee Damage Use 147%
118408 of 250000Survival Medals46%
46 of 100Tech Explosions Detonated 144%
22 of 50