Best of the Best

- Summary
Time played:1350H 30M 47SGames played:3765Current Credits:1,211,342,434Leaderboards:#1,629 (Top 1%)#3,497 (Top 1%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Collector Trooper Points 2Nov 6, 2021 03:34Reaper MasteryDec 16, 2020 17:46Cannibal Points 3Dec 16, 2020 17:46Map MasteryDec 16, 2020 16:58Firebase Vancouver: Bronze WavesDec 16, 2020 16:58Firebase Vancouver: Gold WavesDec 16, 2020 16:58Firebase Vancouver: Silver WavesDec 16, 2020 16:58Firebase Hydra: Gold WavesNov 7, 2019 01:01Firebase Hydra: Silver WavesNov 7, 2019 01:01Firebase Hydra: Platinum WavesNov 7, 2019 01:01
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery95%
20 of 21Tech Mastery92%
12 of 13M-76 Revenant Use98%
137488 of 140000Electric Slash Use96%
48369 of 50000M-99 Saber Use95%
133103 of 140000Acolyte Use94%
188718 of 200000Promotions91%
33 of 36Cerberus Trooper Points 391%
411305 of 450000N7 Piranha Use90%
126191 of 140000Geth Plasma SMG Use89%
124630 of 140000