
- Summary
Time played:365H 36M 4SGames played:1002Current Credits:98,517Leaderboards:#142,314 (Top 12%)#22,195 (Top 3%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Giant: Bronze WavesMay 13, 2016 22:34Firebase Giant: Silver WavesMay 13, 2016 22:34Firebase Giant: Gold WavesMay 13, 2016 22:34Firebase Jade ExtractionsMay 13, 2016 22:16Guardian Points 3Apr 4, 2014 21:24Cerberus MasteryApr 4, 2014 21:24Geth Hunter Points 2Apr 4, 2014 21:16Collector Trooper Points 1Apr 4, 2014 20:42Geth Prime Points 2Mar 31, 2014 00:19Geth Trooper Points 1Mar 30, 2014 23:41
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Combat Mastery91%
11 of 12Praetorian Points 292%
278558 of 300000N7 Typhoon Use90%
126011 of 140000Geth Juggernaut Extractions90%
9 of 10Geth Bomber Points 289%
267184 of 300000Firebase Vancouver: Bronze Waves86%
86 of 100Husk Points 386%
389579 of 450000Over-Cover Grab 386%
215 of 250Firebase Vancouver: Gold Waves86%
86 of 100