- Summary
Time played:49H 18M 48SGames played:158Current Credits:898,363,805Leaderboards:#21,706 (Top 2%)#169,859 (Top 22%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Black Widow UseApr 29, 2013 09:52Electrical Hammer UseMar 13, 2013 13:44Tech Explosions Detonated 1Feb 27, 2013 16:23Silver ExtractionsFeb 27, 2013 16:16Bronze ExtractionsFeb 27, 2013 16:16PromotionsFeb 27, 2013 14:11Headshots 1Jan 12, 2013 15:49Geth Infiltrator ExtractionsJan 12, 2013 10:00M-98 Widow UseJan 12, 2013 09:59Geth Proximity Mine UseJan 10, 2013 11:56
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Sniper Rifle Mastery33%
3 of 9N7 Mastery33%
2 of 6Cerberus Harrier Use96%
134829 of 140000Cannibal Points 195%
143160 of 150000Biotic Hammer Use91%
45754 of 50000Shockwave Use88%
44319 of 50000Marauder Points 185%
128915 of 150000Headshots 284%
422 of 500Geth Trooper Points 180%
120599 of 150000Electric Slash Use74%
37365 of 50000