- Summary
Time played:11H 12M 29SGames played:44Current Credits:37,603,691Leaderboards:#152,599 (Top 13%)#183,760 (Top 23%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Quarian Engineer ExtractionsSep 4, 2020 00:24Headshots 2Sep 4, 2020 00:23Sentry Turret UseSep 2, 2020 23:01Incinerate UseSep 2, 2020 22:54Cerberus Harrier UseSep 2, 2020 22:46Cannibal Points 1Sep 1, 2020 23:00Unknown Enemy ExtractionsSep 1, 2020 22:41Unknown Map ExtractionsSep 1, 2020 02:05Cerberus Harrier UseSep 1, 2020 01:52Cryo Blast UseSep 1, 2020 01:48
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Squad Elite37%
3 of 8Tech Mastery30%
4 of 13Cerberus Trooper Points 196%
144950 of 150000Biotic Explosions Detonated 192%
46 of 50M-92 Mantis Use84%
118893 of 140000Survival Medals82%
82 of 100Collector Trooper Points 174%
111468 of 150000Cannibal Points 263%
190217 of 300000Throw Use60%
30071 of 50000Female Quarian Engineer Waves Completed56%
113 of 200