- Summary
Time played:87H 1M 36SGames played:284Current Credits:3,433Leaderboards:#250,068 (Top 21%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Husk Points 3Oct 24, 2013 12:19Krogan Sentinel Waves CompletedAug 23, 2013 11:54Firebase Glacier: Gold WavesJul 8, 2013 11:38Firebase Jade: Silver WavesJul 8, 2013 10:50Biotic Charge UseJul 8, 2013 09:55Firebase Jade: Bronze WavesJul 8, 2013 09:37N7 Piranha UseJul 8, 2013 09:37Graal Spike Thrower UseJul 7, 2013 13:49Geth Trooper Points 3Jul 7, 2013 13:43Cobra Missile Launcher UseJul 7, 2013 11:49
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Tech Mastery69%
9 of 13Salarian Engineer Waves Completed98%
197 of 200Firebase White: Bronze Waves96%
96 of 100Ravager Points 394%
425972 of 450000Warp Use93%
46997 of 50000Phantom Points 292%
278543 of 300000Geth Hunter Points 290%
272460 of 300000Firebase Goddess: Gold Waves89%
89 of 100Gold Extractions88%
22 of 25