- Summary
Time played:79H 3M 43SGames played:271Current Credits:54,813Leaderboards:#82,618 (Top 7%)#72,154 (Top 10%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Condor ExtractionsSep 18, 2020 14:30N7 Typhoon UseSep 18, 2020 02:51Cobra Missile Launcher UseSep 18, 2020 02:36Ravager Points 2Sep 18, 2020 02:32Geth Prime Points 1Sep 18, 2020 02:15N7 Typhoon UseSep 18, 2020 02:10Headshots 3Sep 18, 2020 02:02Geth Bomber Points 1Sep 18, 2020 01:42Brute Points 3Sep 18, 2020 00:15Firebase Goddess: Silver WavesSep 17, 2020 21:29
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery83%
15 of 18Collector Mastery80%
12 of 15Waves Completed98%
2453 of 2500Collector Captain Points 398%
441307 of 450000Grenade Damage Use 295%
191547 of 200000Firebase Rio Extractions93%
14 of 15Firebase Giant: Bronze Waves92%
92 of 100Banshee Points 392%
414235 of 450000Biotic Explosions Detonated 291%
228 of 250Dragoon Points 390%
408990 of 450000