- Summary
Time played:259H 5M 17SGames played:848Current Credits:26,215Leaderboards:#26,584 (Top 3%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Husk Points 2Mar 27, 2015 19:28Banshee Points 3Nov 26, 2014 20:04Tech Explosions Detonated 2Aug 16, 2014 01:51Geth Trooper Points 3Aug 16, 2014 01:26Geth Spitfire UseAug 16, 2014 01:21Nemesis Points 3Aug 16, 2014 01:07Cerberus MasteryAug 16, 2014 01:07Abomination Points 2Aug 16, 2014 00:55Scion Points 3Aug 16, 2014 00:55Sniper Rifle MedalsAug 15, 2014 19:54
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Map Mastery92%
37 of 40Biotic Explosions Detonated 298%
247 of 250Lash Use97%
48789 of 50000Promotions97%
47 of 48Firebase Hydra: Gold Waves94%
94 of 100Firebase Dagger: Gold Waves91%
91 of 100M-358 Talon Use91%
183406 of 200000Geth Prime Points 291%
274932 of 300000Assault Rifle Medals88%
88 of 100