- Summary
Time played:11H 36M 2SGames played:44Current Credits:33,499Leaderboards:#81,948 (Top 7%)#268,270 (Top 34%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
PromotionsAug 2, 2013 06:03PromotionsJun 4, 2013 20:01
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
N7 Mastery33%
2 of 6Bloodpack Mastery0%
0 of 9Tech Explosions Detonated 194%
47 of 50Black Widow Use64%
89692 of 140000Promotions54%
13 of 24Overload Use52%
26453 of 50000Promotions36%
13 of 36N7 Weekend Challenge I33%
1 of 3Weekend Challenge33%
16734 of 50000Incinerate Use29%
14732 of 50000