- Summary
Time played:93H 43M 15SGames played:309Current Credits:32,785Leaderboards:#96,266 (Top 8%)#72,245 (Top 10%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Hydra: Silver WavesJul 8, 2013 05:44Waves CompletedJul 8, 2013 04:21Headshots 2Jun 12, 2013 07:08Abomination Points 2Jun 12, 2013 06:50Geth Rocket Trooper Points 2Jun 12, 2013 06:32Geth Pyro Points 2Jun 12, 2013 06:19Banshee Points 3Jun 7, 2013 08:47Firebase Jade: Silver WavesJun 7, 2013 08:40Husk Points 2Jun 7, 2013 08:12Scion Points 2Jun 7, 2013 07:55
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery88%
16 of 18Tech Mastery76%
10 of 13Firebase Giant: Silver Waves99%
99 of 100Melee Damage Use 399%
997339 of 1000000Phantom Points 398%
441386 of 450000Ravager Points 398%
442183 of 450000Atlas Points 297%
293239 of 300000Geth Hunter Points 297%
293877 of 300000Vorcha Sentinel Waves Completed94%
189 of 200Talon Mercenary Waves Completed92%
185 of 200