
- Summary
Time played:391H 59M 17SGames played:1221Current Credits:38,239Leaderboards:#12,184 (Top 1%)#0
- Recent Challenge Completions
Geth Infiltrator ExtractionsMar 31, 2015 16:45Geth Proximity Mine UseMar 31, 2015 16:40Flamer UseMar 28, 2015 21:22Geth Trooper Points 1Mar 28, 2015 13:42N7 Piranha UseMar 28, 2015 13:34Collector MasteryMar 27, 2015 20:13Abomination Points 3Mar 27, 2015 20:13Geth Bomber Points 1Mar 27, 2015 18:56Geth Rocket Trooper Points 1Mar 27, 2015 18:54N7 Valiant UseJun 19, 2013 22:45
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Cerberus Mastery90%
19 of 21Biotic Mastery85%
12 of 14M-7 Lancer Use99%
139404 of 140000Nemesis Points 398%
443822 of 450000M-77 Paladin Use96%
134887 of 140000Shotgun Medals93%
93 of 100Brute Points 193%
139963 of 150000Geth Prime Points 290%
271408 of 300000Electrical Hammer Use90%
45490 of 50000Turian Havoc Extractions90%
9 of 10