- Summary
Time played:5H 37M 43SGames played:18Current Credits:41,088,857Leaderboards:#49,824 (Top 5%)#220,457 (Top 28%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Combat Drone UseNov 2, 2018 18:38Geth Spitfire UseAug 29, 2018 20:59Tech Explosions Detonated 1Aug 21, 2018 20:23PromotionsJul 22, 2018 15:39PromotionsJul 22, 2018 14:59PromotionsAug 5, 2017 13:18
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
N7 Mastery50%
3 of 6Tech Mastery15%
2 of 13Geth Spitfire Use95%
191865 of 200000Atlas Points 189%
134807 of 150000Promotions86%
31 of 36Hex Shield Use77%
19309 of 25000Cerberus Trooper Points 171%
107091 of 150000Phantom Points 169%
103851 of 150000Warp Use66%
33222 of 50000Biotic Charge Use64%
32121 of 50000