
- Summary
Time played:154H 40M 35SGames played:480Current Credits:49,898Leaderboards:#61,803 (Top 6%)#48,586 (Top 7%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Sentry Turret UseJul 30, 2022 00:52Krogan Battlemaster Waves CompletedMay 14, 2014 21:51Guardian Points 2May 14, 2014 21:38Reegar Carbine UseMay 7, 2014 17:28PromotionsMay 6, 2014 13:08Geth Bomber Points 3May 6, 2014 01:11Geth MasteryMay 6, 2014 01:11N7 Slayer ExtractionsMay 6, 2014 00:41Collector Captain Points 3May 5, 2014 03:19Geth Rocket Trooper Points 3May 5, 2014 01:23
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Reaper Mastery94%
17 of 18Map Mastery82%
33 of 40Dragoon Points 398%
444179 of 450000In-Game Medals Earned97%
4891 of 5000Firebase Hydra: Gold Waves95%
95 of 100Striker Assault Rifle Use95%
191151 of 200000Scion Points 392%
416343 of 450000Reegar Carbine Use91%
182595 of 200000Talon Mercenary Extractions90%
9 of 10Abomination Points 388%
400234 of 450000