- Summary
Time played:66H 48M 18SGames played:198Current Credits:2,408Leaderboards:#174,932 (Top 15%)#95,535 (Top 12%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Firebase Dagger: Bronze WavesJun 16, 2013 21:57Atlas Points 2Jun 16, 2013 18:44Cerberus Harrier UseJun 16, 2013 18:23Banshee Points 2Jun 16, 2013 17:17Centurion Points 1Jun 16, 2013 17:01Nemesis Points 1Jun 15, 2013 23:31PromotionsJun 13, 2013 20:52Phantom Points 2Jun 13, 2013 20:15Cerberus Harrier UseJun 13, 2013 20:04Cobra Missile Launcher UseJun 13, 2013 15:16
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Squad Elite75%
6 of 8Reaper Mastery61%
11 of 18Firebase Reactor: Bronze Waves99%
99 of 100Executioner Pistol Use99%
139152 of 140000N7 Hurricane Use97%
135935 of 140000Geth Rocket Trooper Points 297%
291131 of 300000Flamer Use97%
48917 of 50000Cerberus Trooper Points 296%
288575 of 300000Guardian Points 192%
139073 of 150000Geth Plasma SMG Use89%
125495 of 140000