- Summary
Time played:12H 26M 45SGames played:41Current Credits:31,648Leaderboards:#156,090 (Top 13%)#197,748 (Top 25%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
PromotionsJul 12, 2021 08:36Tech Explosions Detonated 2Jul 18, 2020 17:02Unknown Enemy ExtractionsJul 18, 2020 16:45Unknown Map ExtractionsJul 17, 2020 15:52Biotic Explosions Detonated 2Jul 16, 2020 07:53Overload UseJul 16, 2020 06:21Bronze ExtractionsJul 16, 2020 03:54Tech Explosions Detonated 1Jul 13, 2020 16:15Nova UseJul 12, 2020 23:58Biotic Explosions Detonated 1Jul 12, 2020 23:43
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Squad Elite37%
3 of 8Biotic Mastery28%
4 of 14Warp Use97%
48693 of 50000Silver Extractions96%
24 of 25Throw Use71%
35742 of 50000Biotic Explosions Detonated 369%
345 of 500Headshots 164%
160 of 250M-8 Avenger Use61%
85497 of 140000Quarian Infiltrator Extractions60%
6 of 10Cerberus Trooper Points 160%
90756 of 150000