- Summary
Time played:22H 25M 13SGames played:124Current Credits:34,938Leaderboards:#347,752 (Top 29%)#203,245 (Top 26%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Headshots 2Aug 19, 2020 07:00N7 Hurricane UseAug 19, 2020 06:24Cerberus Trooper Points 1Aug 18, 2020 07:32Tech Explosions Detonated 2Aug 10, 2020 06:33Biotic Explosions Detonated 1Aug 10, 2020 06:15AT-12 Raider Shotgun UseAug 8, 2020 05:42Cryo Blast UseAug 6, 2020 06:30Headshots 1Aug 6, 2020 06:13Geth Trooper Points 1Aug 6, 2020 05:23Tech Explosions Detonated 1Aug 1, 2020 23:45
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Tech Mastery30%
4 of 13SMG Mastery20%
1 of 5Dark Channel Use94%
47176 of 50000Cannibal Points 187%
130734 of 150000Geth Trooper Points 278%
235088 of 300000Firebase White: Bronze Waves77%
77 of 100Singularity Use72%
36021 of 50000Throw Use67%
33967 of 50000Biotic Charge Use66%
33156 of 50000Firebase Hydra: Bronze Waves64%
64 of 100