- Summary
Time played:2H 54M 4SGames played:10Current Credits:108,954,911Leaderboards:#124,040 (Top 11%)#328,077 (Top 42%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
PromotionsMay 21, 2020 01:11
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
N7 Mastery16%
1 of 6Bloodpack Mastery0%
0 of 9Promotions91%
11 of 12Geth Spitfire Use55%
77980 of 140000Dark Sphere Use52%
26218 of 50000Talon Mercenary Extractions50%
5 of 10Promotions45%
11 of 24N7 Typhoon Use42%
60114 of 140000Geth Spitfire Use38%
77980 of 200000Bronze Extractions36%
9 of 25