- Summary
Time played:10H 39M 23SGames played:52Current Credits:2,827,928Leaderboards:#155,522 (Top 13%)#62,469 (Top 8%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
In-Game Medals EarnedAug 13, 2015 06:00Spectre MasteryAug 13, 2015 06:00Waves CompletedAug 13, 2015 05:58Points EarnedAug 13, 2015 05:57Centurion Points 1Aug 11, 2015 16:49Geth Spitfire UseAug 11, 2015 16:17Collector Sniper Rifle UseAug 11, 2015 15:28Collector Sniper Rifle UseAug 11, 2015 15:28Guardian Points 2Aug 11, 2015 15:26M-11 Suppressor UseAug 9, 2015 14:18
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery72%
13 of 18Solo Mastery66%
2 of 3Unknown Map Extractions96%
24 of 25Bronze Extractions96%
24 of 25Unknown Enemy Extractions92%
23 of 25M-97 Viper Use91%
127750 of 140000Guardian Points 391%
410758 of 450000Collector Trooper Points 291%
275823 of 300000Assault Rifle Medals89%
89 of 100Cerberus Trooper Points 186%
129203 of 150000