- Summary
Time played:19H 30M 9SGames played:71Current Credits:4,411,223Leaderboards:#296,037 (Top 25%)#672,394 (Top 85%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
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- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Bloodpack Mastery0%
0 of 9Commando Mastery0%
0 of 12M-77 Paladin Use52%
73930 of 140000Headshots 124%
60 of 250Geth Trooper Points 122%
33567 of 150000Headshots 212%
60 of 500Geth Trooper Points 211%
33567 of 300000Solo Bronze10%
1 of 10Turian Ghost Extractions10%
1 of 10Geth Pyro Points 19%
13551 of 150000