- Summary
Time played:0H 40M 47SGames played:5Current Credits:517,128Leaderboards:#66,333 (Top 6%)#257,700 (Top 33%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
PromotionsApr 13, 2020 18:48PromotionsApr 13, 2020 18:11PromotionsApr 13, 2020 17:49
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
N7 Mastery50%
3 of 6Bloodpack Mastery0%
0 of 9Promotions69%
25 of 36Promotions52%
25 of 48Promotions41%
25 of 60Cannibal Points 134%
52198 of 150000Geth Spitfire Use34%
48760 of 140000N7 Hurricane Use29%
41254 of 140000Headshots 128%
70 of 250Geth Spitfire Use24%
48760 of 200000