- Summary
Time played:5H 45M 52SGames played:19Current Credits:64,556,644Leaderboards:#283,969 (Top 24%)#320,051 (Top 41%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Tech Explosions Detonated 1Jun 14, 2017 18:37
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Tech Mastery7%
1 of 13Bloodpack Mastery0%
0 of 9Reegar Carbine Use77%
108842 of 140000Dark Sphere Use73%
36590 of 50000Geth Juggernaut Extractions60%
6 of 10Reegar Carbine Use54%
108842 of 200000Cerberus Harrier Use53%
74537 of 140000Banshee Points 144%
67454 of 150000Bronze Extractions40%
10 of 25Silver Extractions40%
10 of 25