Dog of War

- Summary
Time played:351H 53M 41SGames played:911Current Credits:15,306Leaderboards:#77,346 (Top 7%)#9,782 (Top 2%)
- Recent Challenge Completions
Hex Shield UseMay 1, 2020 16:49Brute Points 1Apr 30, 2020 20:09Praetorian Points 2Apr 28, 2020 15:28Banshee Points 1Apr 17, 2020 20:01Geth Trooper Points 2Apr 13, 2020 22:02Hazard: Gold WavesApr 5, 2020 16:05Hazard: Silver WavesApr 5, 2020 16:05Hazard: Bronze WavesApr 5, 2020 16:05Overload UseApr 5, 2020 15:15Reaper MasteryApr 4, 2020 17:42
- Upcoming Challenge Completions
Geth Mastery94%
17 of 18Combat Mastery83%
10 of 12M-11 Suppressor Use99%
199396 of 200000M-76 Revenant Use98%
137988 of 140000Asari Vanguard Waves Completed98%
196 of 200Collector Captain Points 198%
148201 of 150000Female Quarian Infiltrator Waves Completed96%
193 of 200Waves Completed95%
2382 of 2500Geth Pulse Rifle Use95%
133981 of 140000Drell Adept Waves Completed94%
189 of 200